Welcome to my personal website. Here you will find some of my interests and hobbies. I have also written some guides/tutorials on some things that could be helpful to you. Use the top and left menus to find my stuff. I wrote this website in it's entirety with HTML5, CSS3, and a little JavaScript. This basically exists as a hobby and learning experience in web design. If you appreciate the content, let me know.

Website Updates

Starting with most recent.
Wednessday, Dec. 13, 2023
Added Guide on guides page "Termium"
Termium by Codeium is an AI-powered assistant that offers an intuitive interface for the command line.
Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017
Added "Website Alarm"
It's a small project written in javascript to help me be on time loading a particular website.
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2017
Updated "Free Software"
I've been trying to complete the filtering feature on that page. I'll also begin adding more software to the list.
Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012
New Website Design
I re-wrote the entire website for a new design with HTML5 and styled entirely with CSS3. In the original design, there were more updates below this. I have decided not to use them here since they were mostly useless information anyway.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Website Live
The website was created and made available online.